Associate professor Ionela COSTICA , PhD
The Dean’s Message
The management program of the Faculty of Finance and Banking (FABBV), within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, for the period 2016-2020, has its foundations in the law of education and the subsequent legislation, and also the foresight on the evolution of the economic education system, in general, and particularly the financial education system, in the context of Romania’s membership in the European space.
The objectives for this period were structured based on the direct discussions with the professors and students of the faculty, as well as with the representatives of business and financial industry which, by its activity, are served by the faculty. Also they took into account the strategic and good academic practice in teaching and research activities within prestigious universities and accreditation agencies from Europe and United States of America.
The management program of the faculty’s board reports directly to the mission of the Bucharest University of Economics, and it’s central objective is to strengthen the position of the faculty as spearhead in the theory development and training the specialists in finance and banking nationwide, increasing its international visibility and prestige and maintaining its position in the hierarchy leading specialist in the field of accreditation and academic classification.
The management program of the faculty’s board reports directly to the mission of the Bucharest University of Economics, and it’s central objective is to strengthen the position of the faculty as spearhead in the theory development and training the specialists in finance and banking nationwide, increasing its international visibility and prestige and maintaining its position in the hierarchy leading specialist in the field of accreditation and academic classification.
Specifically, the management board of the faculty wants to ensure educational and research services as an adequate response to the new demands of the society. Therefore, the development of the faculty’s curricula according with the highest quality standards for all the educational levels and types of training would allow advanced training for the faculty’s students that are able to serve the needs of the financial markets, banks and insurance.
In the academic decision making processes, the management board of the faculty will foster the educational services based on the strong relationship between theory and practice so that different interests of education and training to find themselves in an innovative, exploratory, and wide opening arena to ever new perspectives.
The academic community, that the faculty’s management board wants to strengthen, relies on a deeper and lasting connection between students, teaching staff of the faculty, networks and professional organizations, alumni. Also, the elite teaching staff and faculty’s graduates with an active role and prestige gained in the economic and social life must share their experiences and opinions to the faculty’s students.
If you are fascinated by the world of finance and want curriculum programs based on rigor but also flexibility, if you are attracted to the access to a scientific forum for the development and debate of the advanced ideas in the financial world, we invite you to explore all the possibilities provided by our faculty.