Head of Department
Professor Bogdan NEGREA, Ph.D.
Address: 5-7, Mihail Moxa Street, 010961 Bucharest, Romania, Room 3208 Telephone no.:
+4 021 319 19 00, ext. 158 E-mail address: bogdan.negrea@fin.ase.ro
The Department of Money and Banking carries out teaching and research activities in the field of money and banking (given the extremely large banking activity in terms of financial operations, risk management and performance), foreign exchange and capital markets – areas of great interest and appeal for students of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The academic staff of the Money and Banking Department provides teaching activities and seminars, the disciplines taught being essential to any economist. We are continually concerned to improve and to develop appropriate teaching materials for a modern educational process. The scientific research activity performed by department’s academic staff has been materialized in numerous studies published in renowned scientific journals, as well as research projects with national and international financing.
Research projects
The members of the Department have published numerous scientific articles in Thomson Reuters indexed journals as well as in journals indexed in international databases. Impact factors, citations, charts, statistics regarding the articles published by the members of the department can be found by accessing the databases: ISI Thomson, EconLit, RePEc, DOAJ, SSRN at the following addresses:
- http://scientific.thomson.com/isi/
- http://www.econlit.org/
- http://www.repec.org/
- http://www.doaj.org/
- http://www.ssrn.com/
Research centers
The Center for Advanced Research in Finance and Banking (CARFIB) was established in 2009, as the research branch of the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking (DOFIN).CARFIB is involved in national and international research projects in areas such as macro-econometric modeling, monetary and fiscal policy, regional policy, economic growth models, enhancing competitiveness etc. Its projects were financed by the European Union, World Bank, British Academy, as well as several departments of the Romanian Government. Director: Prof. Ciprian NECULA, PhD
Website: http://www.dofin.ase.ro/carfib/
The most valuable articles and books are available in electronic format provided by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies:
- Articles indexed in the ProQuest database
http://www.biblioteca.ase.ro/index.php/resurseelectronice/35-resurseproquest - Articles indexed in the JStor database
http://www.biblioteca.ase.ro/index.php/resurseelectronice/61-resursejstor - Articles indexed in the ScienceDirect database
http://www.biblioteca.ase.ro/index.php/resurseelectronice/15-baze-de-date-science-direct - The review of finance and banking,
Professor Emeritus Altar Moisa, Ph.D. |
Professor Emeritus Dardac Nicolae, Ph.D. |
Professor Anghelache Gabriela Victoria, Ph.D. |
Professor Barbu Teodora-Cristina, Ph.D. |
Professor Danila Nicolae, Ph.D. |
Professor Dedu Vasile, Ph.D. |
Professor Dumitru Ionut, Ph.D. |
Professor Georgescu Florin, Ph.D. |
Professor Isarescu Constantin Mugurel, Ph.D. |
Professor Necula Ciprian, Ph.D. |
Professor Negrea Bogdan Cristian, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Bobeica Gabriel, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Boitan Iustina Alina, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Cozmanca Bogdan, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Costica Ionela, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Dumitrescu Bogdan-Andrei, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Enciu Adrian, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Moinescu Bogdan Gabriel, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Murarasu Bogdan, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Nitescu Dan, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Obreja Carmen, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Radu Alina Nicoleta, Ph.D. |
Lecturer Bojesteanu (Bobeica) Elena, Ph.D. |
Lecturer Damian Virgil, Ph.D. |
Lecturer Handoreanu Catalina Adriana, Ph.D. |
Associate professor Sima Alina, Ph.D. |
Assistant professor Anghel Dan Gabriel, Ph.D. |
Assistant professor Cepoi Cosmin, Ph.D. |
Assistant professor Cioaca Sorin, Ph.D. |
Assistant professor Strachinaru Adina, Ph.D. |