Students’ Scientific Session organized by the Faculty of Finance and Banking in partnership with Centre of Financial and Monetary Research CEFIMO “The A B C of the Financial World” – April 5, 2024
– October, 2023 – March 17, 2024. Register for the Scientific Session
– March 18 – 22, 2024. Submitting the full paper
– Site conference…
– May 30-31, 2024, Bucharest, Romania
– Site conference…
Dear visitors,
Thank you for accessing the official site of the Faculty of Finance and Banking (FABBV) within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
On our site you will find information about the Faculty concerning its partners and projects, Departments, research. Moreover, we provide details on the academic programs offered at various levels of study: Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs or Doctoral program, as well as details on the ERASMUS+ mobility.
Our bachelor’s program entitles its graduates to exemption from up to five ACCA examination papers, including: F1 The Accountant in Business; F2 Management Accounting; F3 Financial Accounting; F6 Taxation and F9 Financial Management.
We hope that all this information will constitute a strong argument in favor of your present or future option, to become our students!


FINANCE AND BANKING Bachelor’s program
Master of APPLIED FINANCE program in English
Doctoral Studies
The Dean’s Message
The management program of the Faculty of Finance and Banking (FABBV), within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, for the period 2016-2020, has its foundations in the law of education and the subsequent legislation, and also the foresight on the evolution of the economic education system, in general, and particularly the financial education system, in the context of Romania’s membership in the European space.
The objectives for this period were structured based on the direct discussions with the professors and students of the faculty, as well as with the representatives of business and financial industry which, by its activity, are served by the faculty. Also they took into account the strategic and good academic practice in teaching and research activities within prestigious universities and accreditation agencies from Europe and United States of America.