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CEFIMO Research Seminar – The effect of restrictive measures on cross-border investment in the European Union
May 13th, 2021; Hours 15:30-16:30
Meeting ID: 858 1114 5617
Passcode: 450024
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
Invited: Wildmer Daniel Gregori – Joint Research Centre, European Commission
CEFIMO Research Seminar – CEFIMO Internship Day
May 6th, 2021; Hours 15:30-17:30
Meeting ID: 869 4272 3686
Passcode: 761184
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
CEFIMO Research Seminar – Financial resilience and growth in the EU. Rethinking the financial divide
April 22nd, 2021; Hours 15:30-16:30
https://ase.zoom.us/j/81124522462?pwd=blVQbmw1bW4xTnJuNEVYcW9Pe U9Zdz09
Meeting ID: 811 2452 2462
Passcode: 352452
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
Invited: Eleonora Cavallaro – University of Rome Sapienza
CEFIMO Research Seminar – CEFIMO Internship Day Research in Finance – a challenge for a future career
Event organized for the project Increasing academic performance in higher education in the financial field by preventing the abandonment of university studies (ROSE-fin)
April 1st, 2021; Hours 15:30-17:30
Meeting ID: 869 6195 9539
Passcode: 937887
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
P&G Open Day
We are glad to invite you to P&G Open Day on April 8th 2021.
P&G is ready to open its doors for a full-day event starting 10 AM, for you to experience what it’s like to work for an FMCG company – starting with Leadership Team speakers ready to share learnings from their own personal experiences, then moving into a business analytical thinking workshop and ending with a training on communication skills.
In the afternoon, we are inviting you to join us for an open Q&A with P&G employees. Will also take you through our current open positions and the next steps in case you want to join us.
Please access link below to register, for us to be able to share more details about the event.
CEFIMO Research Seminar – Covid-19 and housing prices in the UK: evidence from real-time web-scraping
March 11th, 2021; Hours 15:30-16:30
Meeting ID: 816 0945 5841
Passcode: 117559
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
Speaker: Jean-Charles Bricogne – Banque de France
CEFIMO Research Seminar – CEFIMO Internship Day / Laffer Curve in Eastern European Countries
January 21st, 2021; Hours 15:30-16:30
Meeting ID: 859 042 111 68
Passcode: 035334
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
Speaker: Leonard Uzum / CEFIMO, DOFIN, Fiscal Council
CEFIMO Research Seminar – B2Ideas
December 17th, 2020; Hours 15:30-16:30
https://ase.zoom.us/j/82867784358?pwd=eVBEbGI4YnFFc2NnajNZUkVaR0M 3Zz09
Meeting ID: 828 6778 4358
Passcode: 783794
Organizer: Professor Andreea Stoian, PhD
Speaker: Jean-Charles Bricogne / Banque de France
CEFIMO Research Seminar – A case for dynamic asset allocation for long term investors
November 12th, 2020 / Hours 15.30-16.30
Speaker: Gabriel Petre – World Bank
CFA Program: the global gateway to finance careers
The session will be on Thursday 5 November 2020 4.00PM GMT (5.00PM CET, 6.00PM EET, 8.00PM GST).
The students can use the link below to register
CEFIMO Research Seminar – Revisiting the money growth and inflation in US: a wavelet approach
November 3rd, 2020 / Hours 15.30-16.30
Speaker: Mihai Mutașcu – Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timișoara LEO, University of Orleans
CEFIMO Research Seminar – Fiscal policy in macroeconomic models with financial frictions
October 29th, 2020 / Hours 15.30-17.00
Speaker: Cristina Bădărău (University of Bordeaux)
Students’ Scientific Session “The A B C of the Financial World” – April 8-9, 2021
Important dates:
-September 28, 2020 – March 22, 2021: Register for the Scientific Session
-March 22 – April 02, 2021: Submitting the full paper (see Full Paper Template) on abc@fin.ase.ro
Site session…
Double degree ASE – University of Bedfordshire (UK)
Students who study in the first two years within the Faculty of Finance and Banking can follow the third year at the British University of Bedfordshire. At graduation they will receive diplomas from both educational institutions. For further information, please contact Ms. Prof. Ph.D. Mirela Bardi at the email: mirela.bardi@incontext.ro